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Case Closed RPG

Become a detective and solve crimes with your friends! Or be a culprit in a crime that will try and cover all tracks that leads to finding out they are the culprit.
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The first event is opened and you can join until July 2. Click here to read about it. It is first case that will follow along plot of this RPG.


 Case: Train Murder

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Character's Location : Osaka Castle
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Join date : 2011-02-05

Case: Train Murder Empty
PostSubject: Case: Train Murder   Case: Train Murder Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 11:06 am

Only few minutes ago the train stopped at train station. There are few police cars at the train station and most of policemen were standing outside of train by their cars writing something on their notepads. But some policemen were inside the train examining the dead body that was recently killed.

About three tourists are currently inside the second wagon of train (location of the murder) being questioned by a policeman that writes down their answers on his notepad. Those tourists are from same group the victim was.

Detective Trinity was called to help solve this crime.
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Case: Train Murder Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Train Murder   Case: Train Murder Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 11:11 am

Michael walked into the train station and once he walked into the place he could see all the policemen and it was clear that he was called her for a reason. Though he didn't see why they called him in off all people, maybe his time in the force gave them a reason. For whatever reason he'd get started. He waved a few of the policemen and then walked into the train and saw the body he looked away and closed his eyes. It never got easy looking at those, focusing again he joined the policemen questioning the tourist. "Mind telling me just what happened?" he asked, as he moved a hand through his hair.
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Character's Location : Osaka Castle
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Case: Train Murder Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Train Murder   Case: Train Murder Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 11:21 am

One of the tourists looked at the man that had just walked near them. "Sure, my name is Haru, these two are Kuro and Makoto," Haru pointed to the both tourists next to him, "and the man murdered is Kaito. We all were simple tourists visiting this country. After arriving with a plane here, we took the nearest train station till this stop. Kaito didn't want to go in first wagon with us, because the first wagon was too full and he insisted taking the second wagon. When we arrived, Kaito wasn't coming out of the train so we went in to check if he is still in the train. At first we thought he was sleeping, but soon we realized he was dead." Haru finished speaking and dropped another glance on Kaito - the victim.

Policemen nodded to what just Haru explained and turned to Trinity (Michael): "Also between train station where they got on train and this train station, there were two more stops. The victim was killed with a deadly injection in his neck."
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Age : 28

Case: Train Murder Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Train Murder   Case: Train Murder Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 11:27 am

Michael nodded his head and then placed a hand on his chin in thought, So the victim was from another country and he came with the three others. Hmm... thought Michael as he walked over to the body, "You said the cause of death was an injection to the next right?" asked Michael as he looked at the Policemen and then back at the body. He reached into the pocket of his trench coat and pulled out some gloves. Putting them on Michael moved the head of the victim's body so he could see his neck. "If that is the cause then by any chance do you have the needle that killed him?" asked Michael.
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Character's Location : Osaka Castle
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Case: Train Murder Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Train Murder   Case: Train Murder Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 11:38 am

Policeman coughed once and replied to Trinity after Trinity double-checked what policeman just said: "Yes, the neck." While Trinity was searching the victim's neck, the policeman added few more notes: "The other passengers said that they also thought that victim was sleeping because they couldn't really see his face and just thought that he has closed eyes from first glance. And no, we did not find the needle, sadly."

Suddenly another policeman came inside the train only leaning head inside: "Hey, we just questioned some passengers and a part of them said that they noticed a man in a black coat earlier sitting right next to the victim. The stranger stepped inside the train one stop after the victim stepped inside train and already stepped out at the next stop."

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Case: Train Murder Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Train Murder   Case: Train Murder Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 11:49 am

Didn't find the needle and the victim seemed to have been asleep quite odd in fact, Michael stood up and took off his gloves and placed them into his pocket he sighed. Before turning to face the policemen who had just ran in, "A guy in a black coat huh?" spoke Michael as he looked down at himself he was in a black coat but he couldn't have done after all he had just gotten here.

Michael closed his eyes and put things together in his mind, it seemed odd how could the man in the black coat have slipped out like that with dead body and all those people. No in fact it did make some sense they thought he was asleep he used that to his advantage, "Okay so this is how it seems to be so far."

"The victim Kaito was here on in this cart as you know sitting next to an unknown man, it was at some point during the trip between stops that the man sitting next to him must have done something." spoke Michael.

"Of course I'm just stating what I think is going on it might not have happened like that, but it seems like it." Michael looked towards the policemen who had just walked in again, "Could you go to the train station the black coated man was seen exiting to and ask if the people there noticed anything strange."

Michael then gazed over at the Victim's friends, "Did Kaito have anyone who would want him dead?"
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Character's Location : Osaka Castle
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Case: Train Murder Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Train Murder   Case: Train Murder Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 11:59 am

"Right!" The policeman that had just ran in nodded before running out to drive at the other train station with his police car.
Meanwhile the policeman who was here earlier said something as he was trying to figure something out himself: "The first train station the tourists went inside the train, and second train station the stranger walked inside train, at third train station the stranger exited train, at fourth train station the tourists found victim dead."

Kuro - one of the tourists from group then started speaking: "Nope, we haven't noticed anything about him having enemies"
Haru then added a note: "But before the second train station, I and Kuro had a small argument and he went to other wagon side deeper into the crowd after the argument. But at this train station he apologized and we're fine now."
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Age : 28

Case: Train Murder Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Train Murder   Case: Train Murder Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 12:05 pm

Michael looked from the policemen to Kuro and then to Haru who mention and argument and he placed a finger on his chin, this was getting kind of hard he needed to find something and fast. Michael cleared his throat and then looked at Haru, "What did the two of you fight about?" asked Michael as he walked around the train cart looking for just about anything that might lead him to who then killer might be.
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Character's Location : Osaka Castle
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Case: Train Murder Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Train Murder   Case: Train Murder Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 12:15 pm

Haru then scratched back of his head a bit trying to remember, he then let down his arm. "It was about his stuff, i accidentally left my backpack inside plane and earlier Kuro asked me to store part of his stuff in it, because apparently his backpack was too full with something. But then he apologized for being too harsh when we arrived here." Haru spoke dropping a glance on Kuro's backpack. "Hey, it's gotten thinner!" Haru said noticing that Kuro's backpack was now less full than earlier back at plane.
Kuro looked down a bit then and with a unsure voice he said: "Your right, it was. It had more food in it but it disappeared now. Probably somebody snatched it when i was too mad to notice it and the crowd was so big that anyone could do it in train. But he is probably way gone, so no use searching for the one that stole my stuff, i don't want to make more trouble, i better continue the trip faster."
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Axel Artist

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Case: Train Murder Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Train Murder   Case: Train Murder Icon_minitimeMon Jun 06, 2011 4:54 pm

Axel had walked on to the train, the scene of an already in progress case. As he looked around, he saw a few people being questioned and a dead body on the floor of the train. He then thought to himself "Wonderful, a murder.". After a short sigh, Axel walked up to one of the policemen and asked "What do you have so far?". Through the sentence, Axel slowly broke into a nervous tone.
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Character's Location : Osaka Castle
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Case: Train Murder Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Train Murder   Case: Train Murder Icon_minitimeMon Jun 06, 2011 5:03 pm

The policeman turned his head to the person that just walked inside the train. "You're a detective, right?" policeman asked just to be sure, he then proceed to explain everything they know so far to Axel in very small detail for him to better understand. It's just like some detectives say -> the smallest detail can mean very important things.
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Axel Artist

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Case: Train Murder Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Train Murder   Case: Train Murder Icon_minitimeMon Jun 06, 2011 5:23 pm

Axel nodded to the policemen as he was asked if he was a detective. "I wouldn't want to be here if I wasn't". He then proceeded to listen as the policemen explained everything, not excluded one detail. Axel thought to himself for a short moment "Sitting beside a stranger before being killed...a lighter bag.". Axel then turned his head over to Kuro, then asking "Just what was in Haru's backpack that belonged to you?".
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Character's Location : Osaka Castle
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Case: Train Murder Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Train Murder   Case: Train Murder Icon_minitimeMon Jun 06, 2011 5:52 pm

"It was my laptop and a book I took along with me in case if I got bored," Kuro answered. Then Haru walked up interrupting: "Those were the exact things he gave me, the book was something about Japan's culture and things like that."
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Axel Artist

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Case: Train Murder Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Train Murder   Case: Train Murder Icon_minitimeMon Jun 06, 2011 6:06 pm

Axel nodded to the two as they answered "Thank you." he said though in his mind he thought "That got me almost nowhere". Axel began to think to himself further, "Why would someone bring food with them on a touring trip?". He once again questioned Kuro, asking "Why did you bring food with you? And why would it be in your bag? Wouldn't it get smashed or damaged, wouldn't it seem easier to simply bring money, transfer it to the native currency and buy food from that culture?". Upon asking his questions, Axel's mind began to beat him for asking stupid questions. To himself, he didn't know anything, he was simply working off what a better detective had done before him.
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Character's Location : Osaka Castle
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Case: Train Murder Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Train Murder   Case: Train Murder Icon_minitimeMon Jun 06, 2011 6:13 pm

"Because taking food with me is just that much easier!" Kuro answered letting out a short laugh but then regaining serious mood after remembering of what had just happened.
Soon loud sirens were heard stopping at train station, a policeman ran in to inform news: "At train station before this we found a long coat, hat, black glasses and a needle. It is exactly like the witnesses described and the needle must be for the injection!"
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Axel Artist

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Case: Train Murder Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Train Murder   Case: Train Murder Icon_minitimeMon Jun 06, 2011 6:30 pm

Axel raised an eyebrow at Kuro as he (or she) gave a short laugh. Even with his knowingly bad intuituion, he couldn't help his growing suspicion. Just then he heard the sirens at the train station as a policeman ran in stating that they found the outfit of the described suspected murderer and the supposed murder weapon. Axel turned to the policeman and asked "Where exactly a the train station did you find it?". Axel thought to himself that the answer to his question may not be of much help still, maybe not as much as he hoped, but with the supposed murder weapon, maybe he could find somekind of residue.
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Character's Location : Osaka Castle
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Case: Train Murder Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Train Murder   Case: Train Murder Icon_minitimeMon Jun 06, 2011 6:44 pm

"It was under the bench near railways." policeman answered bringing the stuff in as they were placed in transparent, plastic bags. Policeman carefully lied them on the floor so Axel could take a good look on them.
The clothes had pretty much nothing suspicious on them, but the needle had very very minimal amount of poison still left inside and there were dark red dots on the needle.
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Axel Artist

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Case: Train Murder Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Train Murder   Case: Train Murder Icon_minitimeMon Jun 06, 2011 7:36 pm

Axel thought to himself that under a bench near the railways would be a common disposal. As the policeman layed the items on the floor, Axel looked at the needle found with the cloths and sunglasses. "Hmm, just as I's the murder weapon.". Axel began to think to himself "Alright, I know the murder weapon is the syringe. The obvious answer is infront of me but there has to be more to it.". Axel then looked up at Haru and Kuro, asking "May I know where you two were between stops two and four?".
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Character's Location : Osaka Castle
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Case: Train Murder Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Train Murder   Case: Train Murder Icon_minitimeMon Jun 06, 2011 8:19 pm

Haru first was the one to answer: "I was in first wagon near the first door with Makoto." Makoto nodded agreeing to what Haru said. Then Kuro started to speak: "I was also in first wagon with them but after the argument i went to other side of wagon."
Makoto then interrupted: "But i couldn't I and Haru couldn't see him because of the large crowd, which is the whole reason why Kaito took the second wagon."
"Actually, I an Kuro argued right after we left first stop." Haru spoke.
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Axel Artist

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Case: Train Murder Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Train Murder   Case: Train Murder Icon_minitimeMon Jun 06, 2011 8:46 pm

Axel began to scratch his chin while thinking. He then looked at Kuro once again, saying "Unless you have a witness that can support that you were on the other side of the wagon I can't beleive you entirely, then there's coming back at this stop to apologize. It's not looking that good for you.". Axel began to think to himself again "If that tourist left durring the second stop supposedly, they could dress as the person in the black coat, go on to the other wagon, sit with the victim and inject the poison. They could then simply discard the items of clothing on the next stop and get back in."
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Character's Location : Osaka Castle
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Case: Train Murder Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Train Murder   Case: Train Murder Icon_minitimeMon Jun 06, 2011 8:49 pm

Kuro for a minute had a funny feeling run past his skin, he started to feel very uncomfortable. Going in an angered state, Kuro stepped towards this detective with angry voice: "And what proof do you have?"

Policeman then dropped a careful look on Kuro and were ready to pull out their guns in any minute in case if Kuro did anything rough.
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Axel Artist

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Case: Train Murder Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Train Murder   Case: Train Murder Icon_minitimeMon Jun 06, 2011 8:55 pm

Axel glared at Kuro as the tourist raised their voice at him obviously angered. He then replied to the tourist in a stern tone "No Kuro, where's your proof? Where's your witness that can prove you were at the other end of the wagon? You all said it yourselves, this wagon was packed there must be someone who was on the wagon that could prove you at the other end.".
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Character's Location : Osaka Castle
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Case: Train Murder Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Train Murder   Case: Train Murder Icon_minitimeMon Jun 06, 2011 9:02 pm

Kuro crossed arms on his chest looking away: "This is a crowded place with strangers, nobody will pay attention to people around you in such a big crowd since you get to see so many people!" Kuro then uncrossed his arms and continued looking back at Axel: "At that time i was simply standing there and even if nobody saw me there and I wasn't in the first wagon, there is no proof that i actually DID kill Kaito."
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Axel Artist

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Case: Train Murder Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Train Murder   Case: Train Murder Icon_minitimeMon Jun 06, 2011 9:40 pm

Axel grinned as Kuro went on to say there was no proof he killed the victim. "I think you'll find there is. We can easily anylize the fingerprints on that syringe and compare them to yours. It would take a few hours but I'm sure we can all wait.". Axel then turned to one of the policemen and said "Get fingerprints from each one of these tourists then run those and the syringe back to a lab and compare fingerprints".
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Character's Location : Osaka Castle
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Case: Train Murder Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Train Murder   Case: Train Murder Icon_minitimeMon Jun 06, 2011 9:50 pm

Kuro dropped his look down quietly saying: "There's no need for that." Kuro continued to have his head facing down as he spoke in a clear but quiet voice with arms by his side.
"In my backpack i kept those clothes and the needle, which is why there wasn't room for my laptop and the book. I purposely started the argument about the lost book and laptop. The book wasn't really expensive and the laptop had problems anyways and I was gonna get a new one after two weeks.
Taking advantage of the argument I went deeper in crowd so Makoto and Haru couldn't see me. In second stop i went out of the first wagon and sat in second. Then i sat next to him secretly injected poison and in third stop I went out of second wagon and went back in first wagon to go apologize. Then the final - fourth stop where we found Kaito's dead body.

I stole the money to buy tickets for tour and Kaito somehow found out and started blackmailing me. At first he just said that he won't tell anybody, if I will take him with me. But then he asked for more and more money."
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Case: Train Murder Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Train Murder   Case: Train Murder Icon_minitime

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