Name:Leonardo Clam
Codename:Detective Alex, Detective of the south
Age:18, but due to drug 8
Personality:Leo is kind. He is carefree and loves taking criminals down. At the end of a case he hears criminals out. Leo has detective rivalry with Jimmy Kudo and Harley Hartwell.
Apperance:Teenager-He has Jimmy Kudo style hair, coffee with milk skin, white tee-shirt and jeans and blue shoes.
Kid-Thanks to Agasa, he has a tranquilizer/voice-change/flashlight watch. Blue super kick shoes. Still has the same skin. Has Conan style hair, a kid size white tee-shirt, and jeans.
Likes:Mysteries and catching criminals
Dislikes:Criminal and the Phantom Theif kid.
Skills:Has awesome detection skills. Is trained in karate, parkour, kendo and sword play, basketball, soccer, speaks multiple languages, hot wiring, boat riding, music, morse code, programming and shooting.
History: Was friends with Jimmy and Rachel through elementary school. Till he moved down south. His dad, American/Japanesse, was a famous book writer along with Booker Kudo(thats how Leo and Jimmy knew each other), and his mom Actress Penelope Clam was Spanish. She worked with Vivian Kudo.
Leo became a detective in the South. One day during a case, Leo got drugged by Anita Hailey, so Leo wouldnt be killed. Seeing Anita and Jimmy got drugged,he blended in. And moved in with Rachel.