Case Closed RPG
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Case Closed RPG

Become a detective and solve crimes with your friends! Or be a culprit in a crime that will try and cover all tracks that leads to finding out they are the culprit.
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The first event is opened and you can join until July 2. Click here to read about it. It is first case that will follow along plot of this RPG.


 Case: Murder at Local Market

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Character's Location : Osaka Castle
Posts : 293
Join date : 2011-02-05

Case: Murder at Local Market Empty
PostSubject: Case: Murder at Local Market   Case: Murder at Local Market Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 3:07 pm

The event at markets has shocked most of people and lots of them have ran away themselves from fear, but the marketeers are still staying. The dead woman - victim is currently laying on ground with a hole in her head from being shot.
There are many policemen and police cars around the area. Nobody has a clue what the hell just happened and why.

Suddenly a black Dodge Challenger car stops by the area and M steps out as one of the policemen, but he is wearing a suit and not a police uniform. "Alright, i want details of what happened here!"
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Alex Jones

Alex Jones

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Case: Murder at Local Market Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Murder at Local Market   Case: Murder at Local Market Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 3:11 pm

Alex had been on his solar powered skateboard. He is coming and goes to M. "Yo what happened here M?" He asked. Looking to see if he could solve the mystery before Kudo got here.
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Character's Location : Osaka Castle
Posts : 293
Join date : 2011-02-05

Case: Murder at Local Market Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Murder at Local Market   Case: Murder at Local Market Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 3:14 pm

"Sir," a policeman came up to M, "it's pretty simple but very shocking how everything happened. A stranger covered with black cloth head to toe suddenly ran past the woman shooting her and ran away before anyone realized what had just happened."

Suddenly M got spoken to by a small kid that even knew his name, "erm, how did you know my name, little kid?" M doesn't remember telling his name to any child, that's for sure.
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Alex Jones

Alex Jones

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Case: Murder at Local Market Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Murder at Local Market   Case: Murder at Local Market Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 3:17 pm

Alex smiled and looked at M. Should I tell him or.... Suddenly Alex bursted out. "LEO!" He said. He hated being a kid. "I-I know you from Leo." He said. "I'm Alex. Im his uh distant relative."
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Character's Location : Osaka Castle
Posts : 293
Join date : 2011-02-05

Case: Murder at Local Market Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Murder at Local Market   Case: Murder at Local Market Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 3:27 pm

"Hmm..? Really?" M said being surprised. "Well, you both do look alike. Anyways, what are you doing here?" M asked while continuing to look forward at the crime scene.

The policemen examining the corpse opened woman's bag finding some pictures on them. He then ran towards M to show them: "Look, sir, we found these in the woman's bag. They're pictures of the woman together with some man kissing."
M took a close look at them.
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Alex Jones

Alex Jones

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Age : 27

Case: Murder at Local Market Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Murder at Local Market   Case: Murder at Local Market Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 3:29 pm

Alex climed on M's back to see the photo. "Who is that guy?" Alex asked. He looked curious.
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Character's Location : Osaka Castle
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Case: Murder at Local Market Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Murder at Local Market   Case: Murder at Local Market Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 3:35 pm

"You know, i think i've seen him before!" The policeman said looking at the picture himself. He then pointed to a marketeer at the other side of market area. "I was right next to his market during the murder since I was ordered to guard markets since you know that many people have worthy stuff here. But i had no idea what was coming."

M then looked at the marketeer in range. He then took Alex off from back and took his hand: "If you want to hang around here, then make sure you don't get in other policemen's way, okay?" While holding Alex's hand, M started walking towards the marketeer at his stand while the policeman followed them.
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Alex Jones

Alex Jones

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Age : 27

Case: Murder at Local Market Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Murder at Local Market   Case: Murder at Local Market Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 3:37 pm

Alex hated being treated like a kid but he had to go along with it. He ran out of M's reach and went to the marketeer. "Hey mister! Your girlfriend go her brain blown out!"
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Character's Location : Osaka Castle
Posts : 293
Join date : 2011-02-05

Case: Murder at Local Market Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Murder at Local Market   Case: Murder at Local Market Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 3:45 pm

(preview of what the market stand looks like - )

"Hm? What do you mean?" the marketeer leaned towards to kid while he was sitting in his market stand. The marketeer was wearing a very big straw hat and using blanket as his cloak. He was very easily dressed.
M then handed the marketeer pictures of him and and the victim. "Oh yes, she is my ex-wife. What happened to her?" the marketeer asked calmly. "She got shot in her head nearby here," M said with a clear tone. "Hm? Really? Urm, i heard something happening there but i had no idea that she was the victim..." marketeer was still calm but he seemed pretty sad.
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Alex Jones

Alex Jones

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Case: Murder at Local Market Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Murder at Local Market   Case: Murder at Local Market Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 3:48 pm

Alex looked at the man. Keep the game up all you want old man, I think I'm onto something. Alex looked. "Why did you girlfriend get shot to so close to your work?"
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Character's Location : Osaka Castle
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Join date : 2011-02-05

Case: Murder at Local Market Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Murder at Local Market   Case: Murder at Local Market Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 3:54 pm

"Maybe you could ask that to the one that shot her!" the man said turning into a pretty angry mood now. He had many puppets on his market stand counter, apparently being a person that makes puppets or humanoid wood toys.

Meanwhile M and the policeman were still looking at the pictures and seeing if they can find something important in there, but all they saw were simple kissing scenes of the marketeer and victim, nothing else.
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Alex Jones

Alex Jones

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Age : 27

Case: Murder at Local Market Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Murder at Local Market   Case: Murder at Local Market Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 3:56 pm

Alex looked at the puppets and picked them up and started playing with them. "Did your girlfriend like puppets?" He looked and tried to see inside his counter but couldn't due to the small body. "Sir, can I look in your cabinet?"
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Character's Location : Osaka Castle
Posts : 293
Join date : 2011-02-05

Case: Murder at Local Market Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Murder at Local Market   Case: Murder at Local Market Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 4:01 pm

"Be careful so you wouldn't break them!" the marketeer gave a note to Alex when he saw him playing with his puppets. When the kid asked if marketeer would allow them to enter inside the market stand, the marketeer got a bit stressed. "Why would you need to do that?" the marketeer said.
"Because somehow you seem to look uncomfortable when he asked you to do that. Tell me why? Are you hiding something?" M said slamming one of his hand on the counter.

"No, of course not. You can come in!" the marketeer said walking over to side-door and opening it. But it wasn't closed completely, the door was a bit left open. M then walked in with the policeman seeing a puppet in size of the marketeer and black clothes in one pile right at the marketeer's feet.
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Alex Jones

Alex Jones

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Case: Murder at Local Market Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Murder at Local Market   Case: Murder at Local Market Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 4:03 pm

Alex smiled and put his notebook back in his back pocket. He walked inside the booth. He snooped around.
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Character's Location : Osaka Castle
Posts : 293
Join date : 2011-02-05

Case: Murder at Local Market Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Murder at Local Market   Case: Murder at Local Market Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 4:16 pm

M and the policeman saw the marketeer's sized puppet and the black clothes on ground that could cover a whole body. "The witnesses say the man ran past was dressed with black clothes from head to toe," M said as he had a suspicious look on the marketeer.
"But it's impossible, i was next to his stand all this time and he was in here during the time of the murder." the policeman said denying M's suspicious look.

"Hm... But how was he acting at the stand?" M asked.
"Well, he had his head leaned down, probably resting." policeman answered.
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Alex Jones

Alex Jones

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Case: Murder at Local Market Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Murder at Local Market   Case: Murder at Local Market Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 4:22 pm

Alex got it! He ran outisde, knocked M out with his watch. He then put his voice changer watch to his mouth. "Precisley, you are the killer. You used the puppet to make it look like you're still standing there. Then you put the black clothes on and made it look so no one saw you, you killed the woman then escaped." Alex said.
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Character's Location : Osaka Castle
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Join date : 2011-02-05

Case: Murder at Local Market Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Murder at Local Market   Case: Murder at Local Market Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 4:27 pm

After being shot, M got a bit dizzy and soon enough he would fall asleep and fall right at the wall of market's stand with head leaned down and sitting. He was now knocked out.

"Interesting theory, officer, but do you have any proof?" the marketeer asked showing a evil grin to M, who was currently sleeping but it looked like he was focusing on the case.
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Alex Jones

Alex Jones

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Case: Murder at Local Market Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Murder at Local Market   Case: Murder at Local Market Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 4:45 pm

Alex smiles and says, "Why don't you show us the black clothes by your feet?" Through M voice.
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Character's Location : Osaka Castle
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Case: Murder at Local Market Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Murder at Local Market   Case: Murder at Local Market Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 5:03 pm

"Hm!" the marketeer was suddenly stunned as he just realized that he forgot to clean off blood from his black cloths by his feet. The policeman then walked up to them picking them up and seeing they're covered in blood. "Now all we need is to check this at lab to compare the victim's blood with this blood, if it has a match, you, marketeer, are the culprit!" policeman said.

"There is no need for that..." the marketeer said giving up. "Like i said, she was my ex-wife. When we broke up after a huge argument, i met another woman that i soon fell in love with. When Emi found out about me and my new wife, she started blackmailing me with the pictures you found earlier. They were taken when I an Emi were still a couple, but there was no proof about the date and Emi said she will tell my new wife that they were taken recently. This is only way i found to avoid that!" marketeer confessed and started dropping tears.

The policeman then hand-cuffed the marketeer and took him away to the police car to later take him to prison. That is when M woke up: "Hmph... what happened?"
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Alex Jones

Alex Jones

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Case: Murder at Local Market Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Murder at Local Market   Case: Murder at Local Market Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 6:57 pm

Alex instead of using the side door he jumped over the fruit basket, "You solved the case M!"
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Character's Location : Osaka Castle
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Case: Murder at Local Market Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Murder at Local Market   Case: Murder at Local Market Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 7:08 pm

"I did?" M showed a confused look as he doesn't really remember doing that, "All i remember is.. um... well, i guess this was a lucky day for me." M was still confused and didn't remember him solving the case, but since others say he did, then he might as well say he did it but he wouldn't get too carried away to brag about it.

M then got called on his cell phone that he immediately picked up: "Yes? Ah okay, I understand, I'll be there." M then put cell phone back in his pocket and walked back to his car - Dodge Challenger. "Okay I gotta go now, my boss called me, bye Alex!" M then ran to his car and soon drove away back to his office.

Last edited by Spirited M on Tue May 17, 2011 2:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Alex Jones

Alex Jones

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Case: Murder at Local Market Empty
PostSubject: Re: Case: Murder at Local Market   Case: Murder at Local Market Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 7:12 pm

Alex smiled, he didn't care who took the credit, as long as justice was brought. Alex turned on his solar powered skateboard.
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